الأربعاء، 14 أبريل 2010

ஓ♥English MMS♥ஓ

I can be your hero, baby....}~

I can kiss away the pain.

I will stand by your forever.

You can take my breath away...{~

How cute!.A boy & a girl were playing hide-seek...She sent a SMS:”.If you find me, you can marry me...If you can’t.


Dive into my heart,You can see an ocean of love,In it a boat of faith is waiting for U,For a non-stop journey,Into the core of my heart.



On a Wing of Lovers DreamsDown the Spiral of our mindMany beauteous Crystal ScenesUnfold, the Perfect land to find.At Rainbows end the perfect GemsCreate new colours, Never seenBy a Human eye, ne’ere Aeons whenThe gods reflect such happenings been


When the time comes 4 u 2 give heart 2some1 who will never break ur heartbcoz broken heart have no spare parts

h3 h3 i hope you like

it .

Oh, I just want to hold you....}~

I just want to hold you.
Am I in too deep!؟
Have I lost my mind؟!
I don't care...
You're here tonight...{~

الأربعاء، 7 أبريل 2010




,, All of us have a frind there are very close with them

✿ ... {~

I have a few close friends ,I met them from different place , some of them from the college ,one from a school and 2 from internet ...

Iam really like them

Now I am trying to meet more and mor friend ..

الاثنين، 5 أبريل 2010

The Morning and Evening ‘Thiker’ Remembrance

1-In the name of Allah with whose Name nothing is harmful on Earth nor in the Heavens and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing
2-I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the Evil of what He has created..~
3-We have reached the evening and at this very time unto Allah belongs all sovereignty, and all praise is for Allah. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Alone without any partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise and He is over all things omnipotent. My Lord, I ask You for the good of this night and the good of what follows it and I seek refuge in You from the evil of this night and the evil of what follows it. My Lord, I seek refuge in You from laziness and senility. My Lord, I seek refuge in You from torment in the Hell Fire and torment in the grave.” Likewise, one says in the morning: “We have reached the morning and at this very time unto Allah belongs all sovereignty ..
4-“We rise upon the Fitrah(religion of Islam) of Islam, and the word of Sincerity(La illah illa Allah), and upon the religion of our Prophet Muhammad r and on the religion of our Father Abraham Hanif(Islamic Monotheism) and Muslim and he was not of the Mushrikeen Polytheists, idolaters..
5- Subhan Allah Wa behamdih (How perfect Allah is and I praise Him..
thank you